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1. 首先背托福作文模板小编还是建议大家能够配合托福机经一起进行。众所周知,托福考试比较准确命中率较高的小范围机经一般都是考前1周左右出的,而这类机经里必然包括作文部分的题目预测。托福考试作文题目那么多,想要背一个或者几个模板就能应对各类作文题目并不现实。而结合机经大家可以一定程度上缩小需要准备模板的范围,当然有同学会问万一机经没中怎么办,当然机经命中率本身也的确是个不小的问题。但小编还是觉得就算不背针对性模板而是背通用万能模板,考前1周背也要比托福提前很久背效果更好,这就和下面要讲的第二个原因有关。

2. 背过托福或者其它单词的考生都知道,背单词只背一遍是不太可能都记住的,这里面涉及到一些科学记忆规律艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线之类的东西,这里不展开细讲,总之大家要明白一个道理,背出来的东西不重复记忆加深印象很容易就会出现遗忘的问题,托福作文背模板也是如此,提前太久背,然后之后没有经常回顾的话那么到了考试当中想要用的时候能不能想起这个模板都会成问题。另外托福考试对考生的记忆要求是很高的,大家需要背的东西除了作文模板还有很多,比如托福词汇、各个考试部分的题目要求解题技巧等等,这么多东西要背出来本来对记忆就是很大的负担,模板背得越早就越容易遗忘,所以反而是考前1周左右的时间更能保证记忆有效期,背出来的模板印象也会更审核,至少能保证大家到考试的时候还能回忆出来,因此选择考前1周背模板才是更加符合考生需求的做法。



1. 在记忆模板的过程中,小编建议大家首先把模板内容自己读一遍理解消化一下,然后在此基础上把所有的文字内容都paraphrase用自己习惯的写作表达方式重新写出来,这种做法可以保证模板不会出现重复,完全是你自己的东西,同时因为符合自己的写作习惯思路,考生也更容易记住。

2. 而在托福模板的使用中,首先因为是自己DIY出来的模板所以完全可以放心大胆的使用,其次如果背的是针对性没那么强的万能模板,那么考生也需要结合考试作文题目的实际要求来进行适当的调整改写,在一些涉及到作文关键内容的部分做一定改动以保证不会出现明显的套用模板的痕迹。通过这种做法把模板结合到实际题目当中,最大程度减少使用模板可能带来的负面影响。

托福作文用模板需要有PLAN B

大家应该都是英语中PLAN B的意思,也就是应对意外状况的应急手段。如果你决定在托福写作中使用模板,那同样要做好PLAN B。道理很简单,虽然托福写作模板一直有一些所谓的万能模板,但小编认为即使是万能模板也不可能保证真的能适用于所有的托福作文。也许一两个句式可以套用,但如果涉及到整篇文章框架,那么万能模板的实用性其实并没有大家想的那么高。所以,考生需要做好万一模板套用不上的准备。当然小编不建议大家再去准备几个模板作为后备计划,而是希望各位考生能够通过学习模板掌握一些基本的写作技巧,保证在不用模板的情况下也能顺利写出一篇不算太糟糕,仍然能够确保一定得分的文章。




Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.




It makes me sensitively to think of Hollywood place where movies were first made before World War I. In those days, Hollywood movie was like a magnet, drawing ambitious young men and women from all over the world.

Up till now, there is nothing that can substitute the position of movies that is the most efficient way to relax us. I prefer movies designed to make the audience think. As far as I know, most movies are supposed to be made from the source material that mirrors a part of the social events. That means there is another methods to force us to think about what we have done for our country, what is our responsibility in the society and so on. In fact what kind of information we need can be gain from different media including television, the Internet, radio, newspapers, especially from some movies.

Tracing back to my childhood, I like watching the first work directed by Alfred Hitchcock, Rebecca. So young though I was, it did make me sunk into contemplation. Not only did the plot make me a little confused, but also it really told me the truth that whoever is right or wrong, no one can live in the shadowy place and everyone must live his or her own live, enjoy the sunshine belonging to their own.

A movie worthy thinking about should conquer everything, including one's heart, which never fade with time going by, even be possible to change our lives. Here I cannot help siding with the other view; however it does not mean that we should totally ignore it, this is not a matter of making an "either-or" judgment. What we want to clarify here is what is primary and what is secondary.

If permits, a movie primarily designed to make audience think add some amusement and entertainment, just like tasting a cup of cappuccino.



Some items (such as clothes or furniture) can be made by hand or by machine. Which do you prefer——items made by hand or items made by machine? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.




From my point of view, there are many factors affecting whether to choose an item made by hand or by machine. The main factor to make a judgment is whether we use the item for our daily life or for collection and decoration purposes.

For items used in our daily life, the choices we make depend on the following factors: function, form, and price. Function is the most important thing for us. If a product is beautiful, but it is not able to perform the function, it can only be called a decoration, or a piece of garbage. For example, when we buy a TV, what we really care about first it is the quality of the picture and sound, how many stations it can receive, and whether it can be connected easily to the VCR and DVD player at home. The second factor that affects our choice of a product for daily use is its form. Is the TV too big, too small, or too ugly? Will it fit into the living room? Will it be compatible with the colors of other appliances and the furniture? The third factor we may consider is the price. Even if we are very happy with the item, there is no meaning if we cannot afford it.

So, in our daily life, there is really no difference whether our clothes or furniture are made by hand or made by machine. It just doesn't matter as long as they can perform their function. For items for collection and decoration, it is a completely different story. Ancient tools and historical artifacts have more market and educational value than modern day massively produced products, and traditional handicrafts make good tourist souvenirs and beautiful decoration for the house. Therefore, when it comes to items for collection and decoration, I would definitely choose items made by hand, because they are just so special.

In conclusion, depending on different items and different uses, I will make different choices.


What do I consider the most important room in the house? Why is this room more important to me than any other rooms? As the questions pops up before me, so do the images of the various rooms in my house. I think that I consider the dining room to be the most important room of the house.

First of all, this is the room where all the members of the family sit down together, at least for dinner. This brings closeness among the various members of the family. It also gives each of the members an opportunity to relate his/her experiences during the day and share those of others. It is here where tensions die down when mother cracks a joke or dad relates a humorous incident of his job.

Secondly, this is where we feed and nourish ourselves. It serves as a point where you stop, even for a minute (like morning rush hours), and grab your bread and milk. The dining room serves as a showroom of the kitchen bringing the not-so-good looking vegetables appear mouthwatering. This is where you take your food normally.

Thirdly it is the room to which you turn too when a large number of relatives arrive. Set up some more chairs and you are ready to take care of all of them. Can you do this in the bedroom or the bedroom? Some will suggest outdoors as an alternative but do all people have the luxury of a lawn? And what if it's raining? Turn to the dining room!

In concluding, I would like to say that the dining room seems to be the most important of all rooms in the house. It is a nourishment point, an expansion unit and a family hub, all combined into one. I consider it as the server of the modern home, networking all aspects into one entit


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